G6 ~ G8

During the middle years, your child experiences thrilling, sometimes bewildering changes as they transition from a child into a teenager. At Sierra Canyon Seoul, we have designed our middle years program to help students effectively direct all their inquisitive energy, while helping build the academic, social, and emotional skills to thrive as a learner and individual.

G6 ~ G8 Course Requirements

Grade 6 – The Transitional Year

Grade 6 is a transitional year for students where they move away from the lower school teaching system and are given more opportunities to be independent learners. By the end of the transitional grade 6 year, our students have grown into strikingly self-aware, self-directed young thinkers and citizens, ready for the galvanizing challenges of our Middle School.

Grade 7 & 8 

The middle years of learning for Sierra Canyon Seoul students is about building strong study habits and skills that will be the foundation for higher learning. A strong academic program, lined with college focused learning and a character education program that helps students better understand themselves and their place in the world. 

By the end of 8th grade, your child has become an impressively self-aware, self-advocating, and self-directed young person—primed to succeed in our Upper School and to make a significant difference in the wider world.

G6 Core Curriculum

English Language Arts

English for Academic Purposes



Global Studies/History

  – “Trailblazer”

Character Education

G6 Specialists Subjects

G7~ G8 Core Curriculum


English for Academic Purposes

Math (Algebra

Integrated Science

Global Studies/History


Physical Education

Fine Arts

Character Education

G7~ G8 Course Requirements